January 2, 2008

Interesting Fact

I am currently on break from my school work (starts back up on the 14th) so now I have free time in which to do some reading. My options are limitless. What did I pick you ask? My fun reading is a book on church growth. How fitting for a seminary student.

Anyway, today while I was reading Organic Church by Neil Cole (which I highly recommend and I'm only halfway through) while riding in to work, he made the following observation:
If any one Christian alive today were to lead just one person to Christ every year and disciple that person so that he or she would, in turn, do the same the next year, it would only take about thirty-five years to reach the entire world for Christ

Did you read that? If only ONE person were to start this process, the entire world could be reached in 35 years! Christianity has been around for 2,000 years! What's going on here?

And what's more:
If every Christian alive today were to reproduce in the same way, the world would be won to Christ in the next two to four years.

What are we doing church? What are we doing?

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